SoloMono modules shop

Unlimited info pages

Date of creation : 2018-09-20
1 2 3 4 5
icon 4,9k
Unlimited info pages
free, junior, seo, pro

In your online store, you can create as many pages as necessary to fully inform your customers. Place only useful information for users on each page.

An unlimited number of information pages will help expand the semantic core of the site, and therefore promote the site for various requests. You don't have to worry about loading speed - our servers and the osc SoloMono platform itself can withstand loading with large content and a large number of pages.

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Each page can be designed in several languages, add meta tags, a picture. Pages can be created for sections of the site or blog. In the editor, you can add text, photos, videos, place any information. Search engines promote sites with more pages to higher positions in the SERP (Google Search Engine Result Page).

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