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SMTP gateway for sending emails

Date of creation : 2020-12-22
1 2 3 4 5
icon 4,2k
SMTP email sending
seo, pro

The Solomono team, for your convenience, has developed the "SMTP mail server" module, which can be enabled/disabled in the administration panel: -> "Modules" -> "SOLO modules" -> "SMTP". With this module, you will be able to receive emails to the mailbox associated with your domain.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a simple communication protocol used to transfer emails from a sender's server to a recipient's server. This protocol is not designed to process incoming messages, it is used to send and then deliver letters to the addressee.

It's easy to understand how SMTP works if you think of a postman who takes a letter from the sender, finds the correct destination route, and delivers the message to the recipient's mailbox.

The SMTP protocol works according to a simple set of rules:
• When sending a letter, indicate the sender and recipient.
• The server sends requests to both sides to make sure they exist.
• The message is sent to the specified address.

SMTP gateway for sending emails - 1

Then you can make the settings you need:

SMTP gateway for sending emails - 2

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