Report "Products"

The product report allows you to build a further development strategy, select the desired assortment and get rid of unprofitable products. Based on this report, you can adjust your strategy and delivery schedule, keep your finger on the pulse. By analyzing the data, you can make delivery calculations more accurate, analyze customer failures, compare logistics costs and speed up the turnover of goods.

The report is generated and viewed through the administration panel -> "Reports" -> "Products", where it is possible to generate a report for the following categories: "Ordered products", "Ordered products by category", "Product views", Zero quantity:

The Ordered goods report, in which you can set the period you need and analyze the data:

Report Ordered goods by categories, here you can also set the period for generating the report:

Product Views report, here you have the opportunity to analyze the "Most Viewed Products", in the "Viewed" column the number of views for a particular product is indicated:

Report Zero Quantity, here you can analyze products that have zero balances, that is, are not in stock:

Last updated on: 27/04/2023