Google has released another update to one of the most popular developer tools - Google Pagespeed, which measures the speed of a website's loading, and also issues a report of detected problems and negative factors. Although Pagespeed Insights is a recommendation tool, as described in the company's FAQ, its use, as well as the elimination of errors found, is considered a must in many CEOs. Recommendations will help correct optimization, make the result even more user-friendly.
PageSpeed Insights (Lighthouse) is a comprehensive assessment that allows you to assess the speed of resource loading and the quality of work. You can check any type of sites, it can be a platform for online stores, a blog, a news portal, and any other resources and services operating on the Internet.
The service checks the stability of sites for computers and mobile devices. A speed test is a comprehensive assessment. With its low values, there is a high probability that the user will leave the resource without waiting for it to load. Consequently, an online store or corporate website will have a high bounce rate. As a result, the resource will be poorly promoted on the SERP.
The Lighthouse Performance indicator (abbreviated Perf) is calculated based on the sum of performance metrics. The URL, page code, server response time, image size, how quickly and correctly the page is displayed in Google Chrome and other browsers are analyzed. As a result, a report is generated with details for each indicator, as well as possible reasons affecting their decrease.
The new release of Google speed page insights gives even more opportunities to the web wizards, contains new analysis tools and updated techniques that give even more accurate results. The mathematical calculation algorithm has been updated, the FCP (first drawing) and TBT (full blocking) indicators have become more accurate. A new approach was also applied to the calculation of CLS and its overall impact on the final score. CLS and TBT indicators received more weight, while the impact of TTI, FCP SI is reduced.
After testing a large pool of sites, Google experts predict that the update will result in:
a drop in the final score by 5 points or less for 20% of resources;
about 20% of projects will not notice any changes at all;
30% of sites will receive a noticeable improvement;
for the remaining 30% of sites, the rating value will increase significantly, 5 or more points.
The most significant drop in points is due to TBT recalculation, and a relatively small increase in weight.
Google Pagespeed CLS metric first appeared in Lighthouse v6, released in 2018. With almost every update, the mathematical model used to calculate the indicator has undergone corrections and improvements. Now, this indicator occupies the most important position in Core Web Vitals, and its weight has increased from the original 5% to the current 15%.
In addition to CLS, two other metrics have the greatest influence when calculating the performance rating - these are LCP and TBT. The most important of the Lighthouse 8.0 updates
According to experts, the most significant in the new release is the updated interactive map, the ability to filter by different types of checks, the emergence of a security audit, which was implemented in conjunction with Google Web Security.
CMS for online store in Ukraine SoloMono, has the highest PageSpeed indicators. To date, the score is 98 out of 100 points, which is the highest among competitors. This means that online stores on the SoloMono platform with any amount of content are loaded as quickly as possible from both desktop and mobile devices.
Our experts are finalizing a stylish and at the same time simple and intuitive interface. The vast majority of the audience who came to the site on requests from search or contextual advertising will become real buyers. Still, delaying creating an online store for your business? Make an order in our company, at the most pleasant prices in Ukraine, and make sure that managing an online store is simple, fun, and most importantly profitable.
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