New Mail API module

The New Mail API module is designed so that the user can take advantage of delivery from the new mail, be able to choose a comfortable branch in a city convenient for him.
In the administrative panel, you can enable or disable the module, as well as set the delivery price, tax, zone, and set the position of this module among other delivery modules. Also, this module is equipped with the functionality to automatically receive all branches and cities from the Nova Poshta database.

Step 1
     Register on the Nova Poshta website:
Step 2
     Get an API key in your Personal Account:

  • Go to your personal account

  • Select the Settings

  • Next, go to the menu SECURITY

  • Click the button Create a key. A new API key will be generated.

Step 3

  • The received API key must be inserted into the “API Key” field of the Nova Poshta module:

  • then press Refresh.

Step 4

  • Reopen the Nova Poshta module and click “Update branches”:

Last updated on: 28/03/2024