Working and interacting with customers is an important part of an online store. It is often necessary to quickly correct or supplement information about customers, to provide them with advice, and this must be done in real time, for example, during a telephone conversation. The new ajax withdrawal of customers will help the manager to quickly find and edit customer data.
So, you can find the client you are interested in in the corresponding tab of the admin panel in the general list. This can be done by id, name, address of residence or e-mail, the group to which he belongs (for example, dealer, subscriber, partner, etc.). There are also icons for quickly sending letters, going to the list of orders, opening and editing customer information in a modal window.
In modal you can:
- correct or add missing data;
- change the group he belongs to;
- add a personal discount and more.
Changes are saved automatically by pressing one button, without reloading the page.
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