In this article we'll talk about BFEED - a tool that creates prominent product photos that you can use in your Facebook / Instagram advertising campaigns, thus increasing their effectiveness.
You will see both examples of improved product photos and several case studies with the results of BFEED implementation.
Above you see an example of a product photo from a beading accessories store. Which of the two photos seems more noticeable and informative to you?
We're pretty sure - the second one. This is an example of how BFEED enhances a product photo. Let's take a look at the differences.
And this is how people see products with updated photos in Facebook ads.
The enhanced information in the photo makes the products much more visible and attracts the attention of interested buyers.
The implementation process was simple and took up to 5 days:
Facebook cannot realize such a task.
Facebook displays either the size of the discount or the price of the product. It is impossible to output everything at once, including other characteristics, through Facebook.
With BFEED you don't need to edit each picture separately or make changes to your website content, all important information will be overlaid on the photo automatically.
We can create different information overlay templates and test the effectiveness of each one. These include. We can style your product for an event, or holiday. For example: Christmas, Black Friday.
Show multiple product photos at once and add important information
With BFEED, we can overlay multiple product photos on a single product photo as a gallery. This allows you to show more details and how your product looks from different angles, the texture of its material. Imagine how much time it would take if you created such photos manually by yourself.
If you have installment payment available, BFEED will show the client this advantage right in the ad:
For a store that sells paintings by numbers, we added important static text describing the available picture sizes.
All this extra information is sure to interest and influence the customer's decision to look at the product.
Results of using improved photos
3 examples in which we compare advertising campaigns with regular photos and with enhanced photos.
1. BFEED helped to reduce the cost per order by 21%
2.1 This is a screenshot of the client's campaign before BFEED was set up. The cost per order averaged $3.72 on average
2.2 This is the statistics of a new campaign of the same client, but with improved images. The cost per order averaged $2.09 or 43.82% lower.
In this case, we ran two identical campaigns with the same budget, but the first one had improved images and showed a result of $2.58 per order. At the same time, the cost per order in the ad campaign with regular product photos was $3.89. BFEED helped to make the cost per order 33% lower.
BFEED is indeed a useful tool, and overlaying additional information on product photos makes it more visible and understandable for the buyer.
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