Mailing list manager

Now you do not need to use a separate email client to send a letter to your customers. SoloMono has developed a functionality for sending emails directly from the site admin panel. In the Content -> E-mail Mailings section, you can send a letter as an individual client or make a mass mailing to your chosen customers.

In the administration panel, in the section Content -> E-mail newsletters, by clicking on the "Send Email" tab - you have the opportunity to send an email:

Select one customer by entering his details:

Select all clients:

Or choose - "for all news subscribers":

You can also make a mass mailing right away by going to the “Mass mailings” tab, where you have the opportunity to create a letter template by clicking on the “+”

Where in the new window you need to fill in the necessary data:

and also in the “action” column you have the ability to manage bulk email templates - edit, delete, view or send:

Last updated on: 03/04/2023