How to make the phone number in the store header clickable?

On the "Content" - "Pages" page in the "Blocks" section, there is an article titled "Phones". The phone number specified there is displayed in the store's header. If desired, you can configure this article so that clicking on the phone number immediately initiates a call. We will explain in more detail how to do this in this instruction.

First, go to the "Content" - "Pages" page and open the editing window for the "Phones" article.

In this window, click "Source", the phone number should be wrapped in a tag of the form <a href=”…”>…</a>. In the href attribute, you need to write tel: followed by the phone number in full format with the + sign and without any separators.
For example: <p><span><a href="tel:+380952444139">+38 095 244 41 39</a></span></p>
​​​​​​​ After making such changes, you can simply click on the phone number in the header to make a call.

Last updated on: 27/01/2025