Think this page is not worth attention? You will be surprised to find out that the reason for the abandoned baskets is the delivery conditions and lack of information. You may also be struck by the fact that search engines very closely monitor the pages “Payment”, “Delivery” and even “Contacts” and if something causes them distrust, do not wait for the ranking.
What the client wants to know on the "Delivery" page:
1. What delivery services do you send the goods to? Write all the possible options. Please note that the cheaper the delivery, the more options for transport services leads the more orders. In addition, the location of the department should be convenient for the client, this also affects the purchase decision.
2. Shipping cost. Of course, you can not bother and just provide links to the sites of each transport service, but buyers will not go over and leaf through huge tables. They need a brief, accessible and in fact. Moreover, the more time the user spends on the site - the better for you, so post all the necessary information on your resource.
3. Indicate which party pays for shipping when returning the goods. Describe in which cases.
4. Describe such nuances as courier delivery, weekend delivery, how long after the order the goods are sent.
Tip: a good bun is free shipping when ordering from. It acts in a magical way, try it, and of course consider all the risks and costs. Make an offer of this type: "Upon delivery before 12:00 - dispatch of goods on the day of order."
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