In addition to product images, there are many more pictures on the main page, such as a logo, banner, slide, etc.
Now consider how we can change all this.
Let's start from the very top.
In order to change the logo of your site, you need to go through "Configuration / My Store" and in the window that appears, find the title "Company Logo", click on its "Value", select your logo image and click "OK".
You can adjust the height of the logo yourself in the administration panel "Design" -> "Template Settings" -> "Header Blocks" -> "Logo", where you can set the height of the logo for both desktop and mobile views.
As for the width of the logo, it should not exceed 330 pixels. If you want to place a logo with large sizes, you will need the help of experts to edit the code.
Important! The image format must be in "PNG". This format is a lossless compression format and allows you to save images that require special clarity. If you have a different image format, you always have the opportunity to choose any online converter to convert your format to PNG (for example, in the search, enter: "online converter from svg to png"), it is also important to take into account the size of the image in pixels, the more pixels, the better the picture quality, look at the size in the image parameters.
That's it, now your logo is in the header of the site.
Now change the slidе. For this we need to go through the "Info pages / Pages / Slider".
Before us the following window will open:
Consider how to change the first slidе.
To ensure that the first slide is not displayed on the site, you need to move the sliderto the left:
The color of the switch changes from blue to gray:
Now go to edit the first slide, for this we need to click the "Update" button.
There are several options for uploading a slide. If you want to upload a single slide that will be displayed in all available languages on the desktop and mobile versions, just upload the file in the left column:
You can also upload images through the text of the article. Here we have the opportunity to upload different slides in different languages, switch language tabs and add the necessary slides that will be displayed on the dextrop version.
To change the image of the slide, click on the "Image" button:
When the image download window opens, you need to take a couple of steps:
1 step - go to the "Upload" tab,
2 step - click on the "Choose File" button and select the prepared image of the slide,
3 step - upload the image to the server by clicking the "Send it to the Server " buttonand at the end click "OK".
Everything, the slide is loaded.
Before you exit the slide editing window, you need to save everything. Thus, the slide you upload through the left column will be displayed in all languages. You can upload a separate slide for the desktop version and a separate slide for the mobile version. If you want different slides to be displayed in different languages of the desktop version, then we upload them through text. You can also make separate slides for the mobile version if you want to display different slides for different languages in the mobile version.
To place slides for the mobile version of the site, in all available languages of your site, you need to upload a picture via the "Image" icon:
Important! If you add an image for the mobile version, then for the correct display of the image in the slider in different languages, you need to write "mobile_slide" in the "Code" block.
By default, we have three sliders. Therefore, to add the fourth slide, click on the right of the "+" in the green rectangle.
Before we open the window for editing the slider, where we repeat the actions we already know (give the name of our slide and insert the slide itself).
You can also insert the video on the main page into the slide.
To do this, go through the "Info Pages / Pages / Slider" and add a new slide.
Call it "Video" and in the "URL link" field, insert the URL of the video that was copied to the YouTube service.
We save everything by clicking the "OK" button.
The video slider on the main page is ready:
The process of changing the banner is very similar to the process of changing the slider.
For example, we need to change "Banner # 1". Therefore, we again go through the "Info pages / Pages / Blocks" and to the right of the name "Banner left 1" click "Update".
Before us, the banner editing window opens, where we repeat the procedure that has already been taken (click on the link to see).
Just as we edited "Banner # 1", we can edit "Banner # 2" and "Banner long".
Sometimes it is necessary that when you click on the image (banner, text, slide etc.), you go to another page of the site or to some other external source.
To do this, you need to do a couple of steps:
step # 1. Open the article and select the picture to which you need to assign a link
step # 2. Click on the "Link" icon
step # 3. Enter the required URL in the window that opens, save everything.
Now when you click on the image you will go to the installed link.