The Solomono team, for your convenience, has developed the "Automatic translation" module, which can be enabled / disabled in the administration panel: -> "Modules" -> "SOLO modules" select "Automatic translation" from the list
If you do not like the proposed translation and you want your site to be much more original, then you have the opportunity to edit the translations. Translation management is done through the administration panel: -> "Modules" -> "Languages", tab -> "Automatic translation" where you select the language that you have enabled and, in turn, make a separate translation for products, categories, attributes and articles each time selecting all below.
When translating, a free Google account is used, so the amount of translated material is limited (google protection from bots).
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is an extension of the HTTP protocol that supports encryption.
Owners of sites that use SSL certificates can expect to improve their positions in search results, and recently all SEO-studios recommend first of all to connect an SSL-certificate to the site.
When choosing the Maximum package and placing your site on our hosting, we will connect an SSL certificate to it free of charge.
The basic settings for a content manager cost $200 and include:
Home page;
Adding a banner photo or multiple photos for a carousel;
Color design settings;
Website description at the bottom of the home page (about 2 paragraphs);
Logo upload;
Currency settings;
Delivery and payment method settings;
Adding text to the "Delivery and Payment" page;
Adding a description of delivery and payment methods;
"Warranty" page;
"Contacts" page;
Specifying the address, email, phone number, messengers;
Contacts: physical address, phone number, email;
Links to social media (Telegram, Facebook, Instagram).
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