EXAMPLE of connecting the delivery module "Tariffs for the zone"

Offer your site visitors a delivery module in which the fee for delivery to a remote area is calculated for a more accurate assessment of the cost of providing services.

If the module is not active, enable it, to do this, in the administration panel, go to "Modules" -> "Delivery" -> "Tariffs for the zone" click on the "+" icon

to edit the functionality, click on the "pencil" icon

You will go to the modal module settings window, here you can set, for example, the sort order and cost

In the line "Delivery cost for zone 1" - Enter the maximum cost of the order separated by a comma. For example: 3:8.50,7:10.50,... This means that the shipping cost for orders weighing up to 3 kg. will cost 8.50 for buyers from 1 zone countries.

In the line "Countries of zone 1" - Enter the list of countries separated by commas for zone 1.

Z kolejnością i funkcjami ustawiania dodatkowych pól, płatności za poszczególne strefy oraz ustawiania samych stref możesz zapoznać się przeglądając instrukcję pod linkiem: https://solomono.net/uk/nalashtuvannja-dodatkovih-poliv-dostavki- ta-oplati-za -pevnoju-zonoju-a-619.html


Now, when checking out, an additional delivery option will be available.

Last updated on: 31/07/2023