Сonnecting the delivery module "Express delivery" (Express shipping)

The advantage of "Express Delivery" is increased urgency. Orders are delivered by courier in a limited time. This affects the cost of the service, but guarantees prompt delivery - the next day, within a day and even three hours if the parcel needs to be delivered within the city.

To get started, enable the "Express Delivery" module itself, to do this, in the administration panel, go to "Modules" -> "Delivery" -> "Express Delivery" if it is not active for you, click on the "+" icon

to edit the functionality, click on the "pencil" icon

You will go to the modal module settings window, here you can set, for example, the sort order, the amount, where in the column "Delivery price text" the amount can be written in words, or you can leave it only as a number, but then leave the last text field empty:

You can familiarize yourself with the order and features of setting additional fields, payment for individual zones, and setting the zones themselves by viewing the instructions at the link: https://solomono.net/uk/nalashtuvannja-dodatkovih-poliv-dostavki-ta-oplati-za -pevnoju-zonoju-a-619.html

Now, when checking out, an additional delivery option "Express delivery" will be available:

Example with text:

Last updated on: 11/11/2024