SoloMono modules shop

Editable banners on main page

Date of creation : 2018-09-20
1 2 3 4 5
icon 4,9k
Editable banners on main page
free, junior, seo, pro

To attract the attention of visitors to the online store, inform about the ongoing promotion or simply post information to describe new offers, banners are used - images that are embedded in the content part.

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Such images are designed in accordance with the theme, as a rule, contrast with the background of the site and other elements to attract attention, and are placed mainly on the main screen - this is the first thing that a client sees when he visits the site. Therefore, the hottest stocks are placed on the first screen using large images.

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In the administrator's menu, in the section "Content" - "Pages" - "Blocks" - the ability to enable / disable, add, change or remove banners is provided:

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