
To set a discount on a product, go to the "Products" - "Specials" page and click "Apply a discount".

The "Specials (price discounts)" module is available on the Basic, Turbo Sales, and Pro rental packages.

You can read about working with bulk discounts in a separate guide.

In the window that opens, you need to fill in all the required fields.

  • "Product" - in this field, enter the name or code of the product for which you want to set a discount, and select it from the dropdown list. You can add more than one product.
  • "Customer Special Price" - check this box if you want the discount to apply only to a specific customer of your store. By checking this box, you will be able to select a specific customer from your store's customer list ("Customers" - "Customer List").
  • "Group Special Price" - check this box if you want the discount to apply only to a specific group of customers ("Customers" - "Customer Groups").
  • "Special Price" - in this field, specify the discount percentage or the new price for the product (10%, $2000).
  • "Start Date" and "Expiry Date" - in these fields, you need to specify the start and end dates of the discount.
  • "Display countdown" - check this box if you want a countdown to the end of the discount period to be displayed on the product page.

After completing, click "Add".

After saving, the discount will appear in the list. If you need to edit it, click on the button in the "Action" column next to the discount you need, or click on the discount in the list and click "Edit" in the blue block on the right. In the same block, you can click "Delete" to remove the selected discount. In the list in the "Status" column, you can toggle the discount on or off without deleting it.

In the "Products Price C G" column, the full crossed-out price of the product and the discounted price are displayed. It may be noted in parentheses "([G] -> Customer Group Name)" if you created a discount for a specific group of customers, or "([C] -> Customer Name)" if you created a discount for a specific customer.

If a discount is set on a product, the original price in the store will be displayed as crossed out.

If you checked the "Display countdown" box when setting up the discount, a countdown block will appear on the discounted product page.

On the "Products" - "Catalog" page, discounts will also be displayed. Additionally, you can filter your catalog to see all your discounted products by checking the "With specials" box and clicking "Ok".

Last updated on: 04/06/2024