CSV import format
On the page "Products" - "Import/Export" - "Import" tab - "XML, YML, CSV, XLSX, ODS" you can import files in CSV format.
However, to import the file, it must meet our requirements. Below you can see a list of possible columns, and they must be named as follows:
- model* - product code.
- name* - product name. For different languages, it is formed according to the template: name_(language_code) (name_uk, name_en).
- description* - product description. For different languages, it is formed according to the template: description_(language_code) (description_uk, description_en).
- metaTitle - meta title of the product. For different languages, it is formed according to the template: metaTitle_(language_code) (metaTitle_uk, metaTitle_en).
- metaDesc - meta description of the product. For different languages, it is formed according to the template: metaDesc_(language_code) (metaDesc_uk, metaDesc_en).
- category* - product category name. For different languages, it is formed according to the template: category_(language_code) (category_uk, category_en). If the product, for example, is in the "Laptops" subcategory of the "Electronics" category, the category should be specified as: Electronics>Laptops.
- images* - product image. You need to specify the links to the product images, and there can be several links.
- price* - product price.
- discount - product discount.
- quantity* - product quantity.
- date - product addition date (e.g., 2023-07-07 13:36:07).
- manufacturer - product manufacturer name. For different languages, it is formed according to the template: manufacturer_(language_code) (manufacturer_uk, manufacturer_en).
- options - product characteristics, such as color or size. For different languages, it is formed according to the template: option_(unique_number)_(language_code)_characteristic_name (option_1_uk_color, option_1_en_color).
- status* - product status, it can be active or not_active. Inactive products are displayed in the catalog but are not visible on the site.
- category_image - category image. You need to specify the link to the category image.
- vendor - supplier template.
- EOREOR* - mandatory column that must be at the end of the table.
So, the file must contain the columns model, name, description, category, images, price, quantity, status and EOREOR.
Last updated on: 31/07/2024