Сonnecting payment module"Credit card"

Paying by credit card is very convenient for many customers. The user can make purchases on the Internet even if he does not have free money; that is, he can pay now and return to the bank later.

Note! This module is usually used in the USA, when a customer enters their card details, and the store's seller uses a special cash register to withdraw funds from the card based on these details.

To set up the payment module, go to the administration panel "Modules" -> "Payment" -> "Credit card" if it is not active for you, click on the "+" icon

to edit the functionality, click on the "pencil" icon

You will be taken to the modal module settings window, here you can

  • enable/disable the module,
  • configure E-Mail Address - If an e-mail address is specified, then the average digits from the credit card number will be sent to the specified e-mail address (the database will store the full credit card number, excluding these average digits)
  • set up payment zone
  • order statuses
  • and set up an icon/picture for the module, with such a picture, this payment module will be displayed in the checkout when choosing a payment:

Last updated on: 15/11/2024