Comparison * - a module that helps the user to make the choice of a purchase. is designed to compare the attributes of several products. Comparison marks are displayed on the product page and may also appear on each product in the product listing depending on the template. When a product is added to the comparison list, a mark appears on the product that the product has been added and a list of marked products with a link to its page is generated using ajax.
Also, in most templates, the user will be able to view a short list regardless of the page.
For the convenience of the user, as well as the correct placement of content on the page, 3 products are the maximum number allowed for comparison. If the user wants to add more than 3 products to the comparison list, he will be shown a message that he has already marked the maximum allowed number of products.
By clicking on the link to the comparison page, the user immediately sees the values of all attributes for each of the selected products, which makes it easy to assess all their advantages and disadvantages and decide on a purchase.
On this page, you can go to the page of the product you are interested in, remove an irrelevant product from the list, clear the entire list of comparisons, or return to the previous page.
* This module is not provided for the templates "Clothes" and "Home"
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