First, let's look at what a sales script is and why your online store needs it. If you think that there is nothing better than an impromptu dialogue and live communication with a client, then this article is useless to you. But if you want to test various scripts with your sales managers and see if it will be effective for your niche, then dive.
A ready-made sales script allows you to quickly introduce new sales managers, quickly close deals, keep the quality of the conversation of your employees at a high level and increase the reputation of the company.
A sales script is a conversation scenario between a salesperson and a client, which in any situation should lead to the goal: completion of a transaction, purchase of a product or service, an appointment for training or course, etc. All options for a possible dialogue should be written in the script, all client’s objections should be ready to answer. Want to hear a script conversation? Then call the hotline of well-known marketplaces, where the level of service is at an altitude.
The cold call script consists of the following steps:
1. Opening a deal or greeting
2. Questions to the client
3. Offer
4. Responses to objections
5. Closing a transaction
Take a sheet of paper or open a Word and start writing a ready-made sales script. Before this, of course, you need to do several things:
• Collect a customer base (if you do not have a customer base yet, find out how to do this from our article “3 Ways to Collect a Subscribers Database”
• Well-studied product / service / offer
• We will prepare several options for different groups of clients, for example, for b2b or b2c - there is no universal recipe for a cold call script
Here are some examples of how a transaction opening or a greeting can begin (the most difficult stage, at which the call most often ends, if, for example, the client is not comfortable talking or is not in the conversation).
“Greetings, my name is Andrew, a representative of the company“ Night. ” Are you comfortable talking now? ”
“Good afternoon, my name is Natalia, I am from the company“ Sphere ”. Do you have a few minutes to talk? ”
“Good evening, my name is Dmitry. I represent the company "Pilot". Do not take me a couple of minutes? ”
It is important to keep within the first 5 seconds. With every extra second, the anger of your listener will increase, as it is necessary to pause and give the opportunity to tell the person whether he is ready to talk or not.
The salesperson's conversation tone should be friendly. Ask your managers to use spoken language and not complicate phrases. A stereotyped, learned conversation is always felt by the interlocutor and he pushes.
Sometimes the tone of the conversation is 100% dependent on the degree of satisfaction of your employees on the working conditions. Perhaps our article “How to motivate employees offline and outsourcing” will be useful.
The second stage should begin with questions to the client. This helps to achieve several goals:
1. Draw the customer into conversation
2. Find out the current state of affairs
3. Build trust
Imagine that you have an online store of building materials. The b2c dialog can be constructed as follows:
“Are you repairing now?” How is the work going? Are you satisfied with the building materials? ”
“Are you interested in good quality paints and varnishes at a promotional price?”
“Do you make repairs yourself or hired craftsmen?” We can offer a good putty option, which will help to save on repairs. ”
It’s easier to write a sales funnel script for b2b. Why? Because your client is a businessman and he is more interested in any benefit that you can offer him. Let's look at some examples of ready-made questions for b2b.
“I saw you are doing online sales, how are things going now?” Are there any sales? ”
“I noticed your company offers packaging materials, is there any demand for them? Would you like to consider other packaging options at manufacturer prices? ”
If you managed to talk to the client, then this is half the work done. The next step will be your unique selling proposition.
When you proceed to the Proposal phase, there are several important points to consider:
• How your product / service will help solve customer problems;
• What benefits the client will receive;
• How is your product different from similar products on the market?
An example of your answers at the “Proposal” stage:
“I can offer your pet a hypoallergenic food, as I know that many animals have a bad reaction to some components of known foods.”
“Since you are blogging on Instagram, I suggest you get a XXX phone with a triple camera, tenx zoom at a discount. Your photos will be the most vivid and contrasting "
Objections may follow. The cold call script also includes responses to objections.
Here so script examples at a stage of objections of clients can look:
“-I don’t need it / it’s not interesting. “And if I tell you that you can get good profit and make money on this?”
"-It's too expensive. “And with what similar product did you compare?” You can further indicate why your product is more expensive.
"-What guarantees? - We have been working in the market for more than X years. You can go to our social page and read customer reviews »
“Too cheap, it's suspicious. “The concept of our company is to offer customers a product at an affordable price, unlike competitors.” If you sell the service and you have the opportunity to offer the client to test it for free for any period of time, you can offer it. ”
“I have already used your services, I did not like it. - We conducted a survey among our users and eliminated weaknesses. Don't want to try again? You will surely be satisfied with our changes. ”
After you have answered all the customer’s objections, the transaction is closed. This can be a personal meeting, product registration, application for a service, an appointment for training, and more. Examples of closing a deal.
“Thank you for your interest, I will send the details for payment to you by mail or SMS.”
“Thank you for your time, Dmitry. I will send you a commercial offer / contract for services / account in a form convenient for you. ”
According to some reports, a well-written and spoken sales script is 80% success in cold calls. If you have not tested this in your online store, then it is worth a try.
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