SoloMono modules shop


Basic functionality
Basic functionality
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icon 9,7k
Our platform is based on the most essential set of modules for any online store. This list includes a lot of
$500 Choose
pro, junior, seo
SMS notification
SMS notification
1 2 3 4 5
icon 9,1k
Add SMS notifications to the functionality of your online store - both the client and the site administrator
1 2 3 4 5
icon 7,2k
Just a few clicks and your site will be multilingual, with this module it is actually very easy and
seo, pro
Manufacturers (brands)
Manufacturers (brands)
1 2 3 4 5
icon 5,2k
When choosing and comparing products, the buyer most often relies on a specific manufacturer. A block has been developed
Included in the base
1 2 3 4 5
icon 5,5k
This module will help you enter prices on the site in one currency, and display prices in another currency for users on
Included in the base
1 2 3 4 5
icon 6,2k
The "News" module will create a section in your online store where you can publish information about your offers and
Included in the base
1 2 3 4 5
icon 5,4k
In order to improve customer service and increase the ratings of your online store accordingly, the Solomono team
Included in the base
email subscription
email subscription
1 2 3 4 5
icon 3,4k
Now you don't need to use a separate email client to send a letter to your customers. We did our best for you and made
junior, seo, pro
1 2 3 4 5
icon 6,7k
You can post on your site articles on different topics and in the amount that you need: Sometimes users do not
Included in the base
Banners slider on main page
Banners slider on main page
1 2 3 4 5
icon 5,6k
This module is a slider based on the Owl Carousel plugin with many flexible settings, with which you can create a slider
Included in the base
Show editable text on main page
Show editable text on main page
1 2 3 4 5
icon 5,0k
The text on the home page is an important element of search engine promotion. Its task is to present the company and its
Included in the base
Editable banners on main page
Editable banners on main page
1 2 3 4 5
icon 4,9k
To attract the attention of visitors to the online store, inform about the ongoing promotion or simply post information
Included in the base
Unlimited info pages
Unlimited info pages
1 2 3 4 5
icon 4,9k
In your online store, you can create as many pages as necessary to fully inform your customers. Place only useful
Included in the base
1 2 3 4 5
icon 5,3k
The Tax module allows you to display prices in the online store for a different group of customers. For example, you
Included in the base
Google reCAPTCHA
Google reCAPTCHA
1 2 3 4 5
icon 3,4k
Google reCAPTCHA for the "Contact" and "Registration" pages. The Google reCAPTCHA module is designed
junior, seo, pro
Master password
Master password
1 2 3 4 5
icon 3,8k
The "master" password is one password for all your clients. Only the administrator can use the master password
junior, seo, pro
Telegram notifications
Telegram notifications
1 2 3 4 5
icon 1,2k
Get instant notifications about new customer orders in your smartphone with the “Telegram bot” module. You no
seo, pro
Need custom addon?
Our developers can help you create your own custom functionality.
Install and create custom modules, plugins and addons for your osCommerce website
Increase speed of your website by optimizing sql queries, and changing algorhytms
Fix any kind of bugs and errors on your website
Complete change design and layout of your website to responsive version of any design
Make SEO optimization of your osCommerce website and help you to promote your website in Google
Move your osc (or other) database to our modified version of osc with saving all data and links
We will contact you to clarify the details.

What is a store builder and what are its advantages?

Not everyone who opens their own online store knows programming languages. At the same time, I don’t want to spend huge amounts of money on specialists, and why, if everything can be done independently using the SoloMono constructor. An online store created on such a platform is convenient for both the site owner and the buyer.

Why You Need an Online Store Builder

Today, E-commerce projects are the most relevant and popular among those who want to buy goods in an online store at a bargain price. Creating a commercial website on the SoloMono constructor is the best solution for entrepreneurs. The program constructor is profitable, convenient and simple. You can build a small website and even connect an online payment system, setting up all the links between the seller and the buyer. This allows the user to order goods in the online store in a matter of minutes.

The site is assembled on the online store constructor from ready-made modules, and the work process is divided into several basic steps: registration, creating the foundation and filling the site with target blocks - photos, product descriptions and an online order payment system.

Is it possible to assemble an online store on the constructor without knowing the code and design skills?

Anyone can work with the constructor, even those who have never studied programming. Using the online store constructor, you can fill the site with all the necessary sections without resorting to the help of specialists. Such work will take much less time and financial investments than opening a real store.

6 steps: how to create an online store on the constructor

To quickly create an online store with a catalog of goods, just follow the instructions:

  1. Registration in the system, creation of a personal account.
  2. Choosing one of the many templates that fit the format, adding the necessary functions.
  3. Editing the template for the desired design format. You can use ready-made options, or modify them to suit your requirements.
  4. Adding products that can be bought online. Each of them has a price.
  5. Connecting a payment method, setting up internal processes such as delivery.
  6. Choosing a domain and launching an online store.

Modules for SEO promotion

Our constructor for online stores in Ukraine has modules for SEO promotion. You can buy one of three packages at a bargain price:

  • Minimal: Good for general analytics and monitoring;
  • Medium: promotion of an online store by working on semantics (core and words);
  • Maximum: work is underway at the SMM level, using links.

The program automatically selects and recommends suitable meta tags. You don't need to be a marketing and SEO specialist to work with the online store builder. Using hints, each user will be able to set up descriptions and prices.

Constructor Benefits

Unlike websites written from scratch, a website builder has the following advantages:

  • a large selection of ready-made templates that can be ordered for use;
  • simplified management of all processes, the visitor can buy goods easily and quickly;
  • user technical support;
  • convenient process of buying goods and studying prices for visitors;
  • the opportunity for the buyer to order delivery through the connection of additional functions.

Take advantage of the trial period and get acquainted with the functionality of the online store constructor from our company SoloMono. You can order a promotion or set up the necessary functions yourself. We adapted the online store constructor for Ukrainian users and added the most famous Ukrainian payment and delivery services. Test the constructor now and start selling products tomorrow.
