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Banners slider on main page

Date of creation : 2018-09-20
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Banners slider on main page
free, junior, seo, pro

This module is a slider based on the Owl Carousel plugin with many flexible settings, with which you can create a slider specifically for your taste and needs.

In the settings of the admin template, you can select the limit of slides for the desktop version of the site and separately for the mobile one, select the required height, and also select the location of the slider - for the entire width of the page, or only for the width of the content. Thanks to the adaptability of our slider, when changing the screen resolution, the image is not distorted, but changes its size in proportion to the screen size.

You can select the content of the slider in the admin menu item - Content / Pages in the "Slider" section. In it, the user can turn on / off the desired slides, add new ones or delete unnecessary ones.

To customize each of the slides, you have access to:

  1. Selecting an image for the desktop version of the site from files on your computer.
  2. Selecting an image from files on your computer, which will be available to users on mobile devices.
  3. To follow the link when clicking on the slide, insert the link into the "Alternative URL" field.
  4. If instead of an image you want to insert a youtube video, a link to it must be placed in the "Code" field
  5. The slide can be filled with combined content, which will consist of html markup and an image. To do this, you can select ready-made html-elements on the panel of the "Article text" field, only filling them with your own content. Or for advanced users, when clicking the "Source" button, the html-code is available for viewing and editing.

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